Miss Fancy:

My name is Miss Fancy and I’m a beautiful, fancy mare from a kill pen

in Oklahoma. I was scared and didn’t know why I ended up there. I was

going to be sent for slaughter but Diane saw me on the internet and

raised funds so that I could go live at Rivers Edge. I had to be

quarantined and then a stock truck arrived to transport me. I was a

very good girl and I got into the truck. It was a long ride to my new

home. I arrived on December 19, 2017. I was a little wild, defensive

and frightened at first, but I was treated with love and affection which

I never had before. I learned to trust my human friends. I love carrots,

treats and of course, being told how beautiful I am.

Please choose a sponsorship level

Level Amount
Pony $5.00 per month
Arabian $10.00 per month
Quarter Horse $25.00 per month
Thoroughbred $50.00 per month
Clydesdale  $100.00 per month

1 Rivers Edge Horse Rescue & Sanctuary in Newton is a Registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation